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Innnovative Recycling Technology

Bergmann Direct supply low, medium and high volume polystyrene compactors which turn loose polystyrene into blocks which sell for up to £750 a tonne.

Polystyrene, otherwise known as Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) or Styrofoam, is 98% air. For something that weighs so little, how much are you actually paying to transport it to landfill? - Scroll down to see the machines in our range.

If you are spending more than £75 a week disposing of EPS polystyrene waste in skips or wheelie bins, it will pay to have a polystyrene compactor, sometimes known as an EPS recycling system. The value of the compacted EPS or the reduction in disposal costs could pay for the machine alone or even generate revenue for you.

CP250 Polystyrene Compactor

What Are
EPS Polystyrene Compactors?


Loose polystyrene waste is costly to dispose of. But compacted polystyrene has a high value, up to £700 a tonne (at 2022 prices).

To get that resale value, you need a polystyrene (or EPS) compactor to form it into tight blocks that can be picked up by the recycler. The actual value of any compacted polystyrene you have will depend on the volume you have and the amount the recycler can collect on one trip. Tell us about your polystyrene waste problem and we can work out if you can save, or even earn money from your waste.


Why Choose Bergmann Direct
For Your EPS Polystyrene Compactor?

  • Experience: we have 15 years' experience with this type of equipment
  • It is a specialized machine which needs to be set up correctly to work efficiently and we have the knowledge
  • We carry out the installation, training and maintenance using our own engineers
  • We supply three models of EPS polystyrene compactors for low, medium and high volumes. No matter how much polystyrene you will be recycling, we're confident we'll have the right machine for you
  • We can also buy back your compacted polystyrene meaning what once was a waste disposal cost, could become a revenue stream which could pay for the cost of the machine and generate an additional revenue, especially now as rebates are around £700 a tonne.
CP370 (003)

Three Types Of

Browse our three types of compactors below, and see which is the ideal option for you:

Medium EPS Polystyrene Compactor

Capacity 4.5 to 10 cubic metres of loose EPS per hour

Most popular unit. Requires 32A 3-phase power.

Automatic adjustment of the pressure to form the compacted block.

White goods retailers and distributors and furniture companies make up most of the customers.


BDL CP250 Medium Volume EPS Polystyrene Compactor: throughput 45kg to 100kg per hour (4.5 cubic metres to 10 cubic metres of loose EPS)

Large EPS Polystyrene Compactor

Capacity 10 to 20 cubic metres of loose EPS per hour

Heavy duty machine for larger volumes and larger pieces of EPS. Requires 63A 3-phase power.

For large offcuts (pre-cast concrete customers), insulation board EPS, fish processors, wet EPS.


BDL CP370 High Volume EPS Compactor: throughput 100kg -200kg per hour (10-20 cubic metres per hour)

Small EPS Polystyrene Compactor

Capacity: 2.5 to 4.5 cubic metres of loose EPS per hour.

Locking wheels means it can be moved around to different locations.

Requires 16A 3-phase power.


Low volume (compacts 25-45kg per hour) SP200 EPS compactor has an easy to use manual pressure control and optional extended output chute

For more information about our compactors, or to find out how much you could earn from your compacted polystyrene, get in touch with us today. Either call us or fill out our contact form, and we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.


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